You will need some guidance read on

It can be done! It's not that hard, but you will need guidance!
The question is... what caused the foundation to fail? The answer is usually unstable soil. When that is the case, you can not expect the structure to stop moving or be able to accept repairs until the soils have become stable and stopped moving. So that is your first move! If you jump directly to piers the long fight is usually lost. Continued movement and adjustments is almost a sure thing.
Truth is, most foundation damage THAT IS NOT the result of earthquake, sinkhole, mudslide or plumbing leaks is not that difficult for a handy homeowner to deal with. It is also much less expensive, and with proper guidance, it can be more effective than a professional cookie cutter repair.
In this age of and expensive foundation repair it has become increasingly common for my customers to question me about preventing foundation movement and damage before it becomes and issue. This is quite commonly done by homeowners themselves or contracted to landscaping companies, who when shown what to do, can usually accomplish the preventive measures in minimal time and at minimal expense.
Foundation companies have high overheads. Their commissioned salespeople take a bunch off the top. Advertising, including celebrity spokespersons take another big chunk of money, and of course the profits are big. The lesser expenses are labor, materials and permits which are doable by many homeowners. I can show you how to act as the general contractor on your project, I can show you the problem, I can advise as to the solutions available, and where to find labor and materials. I can help you get it right and usually save you a good deal of money.
Whether it’s old construction or new, slab or crawl space (pier and beam), whether its drainage or piers that are required, the biggest question is defining the problem and choosing the correct solution. Even with plumbing issues I can walk you through the steps necessary to complete the project and return the home to where it should be...and keep it there!
Thousands of un-needed piers are sold and installed each year right here in north Texas. It is a crime how many homeowners are conned into paying inflated prices for piers that they don’t need and drainage that doesn’t work.
If you are unsure about what to do…contact me, I can answer your questions and help you decide what is best for your situation. I have been helping owners of homes, apartments, and commercial building make rational foundation decisions for over thirty-five years.
I can explain how to prevent, stop and usually reverse foundation damage. I can show you what you need and how to get it completed, whether you want it done for you or you would like to do it yourself.
Richard Rash, the Foundation Man, 817-308-8186, email:
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