There are many predators in the foundation repair business.
The foundation repair industry is notorious for its predatory salespeople who push a particular type of pier product as a one-size-fits-all solution, regardless of the actual issue. These individuals often work on commission, aiming to sell as many piers as possible, needed or not. In areas of expansive soils, amidst the numerous foundation companies, some honest individuals have been drawn into perpetuating the scams initiated by less scrupulous players. Currently, the two most prevalent scams are the misuse of elevation readings to assess foundation repair needs without proper benchmarks, and the offering of lifetime warranties that primarily protect contractors from liability for failed repairs.
Areas of expansive soil have become hubs for foundation repair fraud, affecting the entire nation. With a multitude of foundation repair businesses operating in the area, it's challenging to pinpoint an exact number, but awareness of these deceptive practices is crucial.
Where ever you are, contact me for information and help with foundation issues. If I can help I charge a small fee. If I can't help you...then you don't pay! Call/Text 817-308-8186. Email: thefoundationman@gmail.com