"Foundation Repair...

the book"

"This is a must-read book for anyone who is a homeowner or property manager"

Bill Glen

Property Manager

Available now in eBook or Soft Cover at Amazon: bit.ly/3Rhc8MZ and Barnes and Noble.

I have written what I believe is the most consumer-friendly, easiest-to-understand book on foundation repair ever published. Why? Because after more than 40 years in the industry—as an inspector, contractor, and independent consultant, I have seen homeowners and professionals alike get misled, overcharged, and sold repairs they did not need.

Topics Covered by: Foundation Repair…the book    

 205 pages       

11 articles        

113 subject descriptions        

69 Illustrations

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   Table of Content

Foreword1. The foundation repair industry is known to face challenges due to varying levels of expertise among professionals and a focus on sales-driven approaches in many companies. This often results in clients being offered repair solutions, such as piers, without a thorough assessment of actual needs and at inflated prices. The purpose of this publication is to empower homeowners and owners of light commercial buildings with comprehensive knowledge and strategies to effectively address foundation issues. It covers a wide range of topics including interactions with builders, proactive maintenance measures, effective drainage management, handling plumbing leaks, understanding contractual agreements and warranties, identifying potential scams, analyzing root causes and early signs of damage, navigating transactions involving foundation-damaged properties, collaborating with real estate professionals, evaluating cost considerations, familiarizing with repair procedures and potential challenges, and ensuring that repairs are conducted with integrity and fairness.


Foundation Types5

Causes of Foundation Damage in the United States9

Getting Help with Foundation Repairs18

Plumbing Leaks in Older Homes21

Pitfalls of Foundation Repair 23

Plumbing Leaks26

Precautions In Construction to Avoid Foundation Movement 28

Realtors/ Homeowners Buying or Selling? 32

Selling a foundation-damaged home. 33


Common Types of Foundations. With Pictures. 41

Why do foundations move and become damaged? 44

Alphabetized Subjects. (113 subjects/69 pictures)

A/C condensate. 47

Basements. 49

Berms. 51

Bids. 52.

Brick Ledge. 52. Many newer "brick homes" don't rely on the bricks for support. They're built with a wooden frame, and the bricks are just for looks. Usually, you can take off the bricks and put on a different outer covering without harming the house's strength. So, if you see some cracks or broken bricks, it might not look good but usually does not mean the house is going to collapse.

Bricks/stones Homes. 53

Capillary action. 53

Ceiling. 55

Choosing a Contractor 55

City leaks. 57

Climate effects on foundations. 59

Concealed defects. 60

Construction piers. 61

Concrete cylinders push piers. 61

Concrete Vibrated. 62

Corner pop. 63

Curbs and sidewalks and edging problems. 64

Cut and fill 65

Damage signs. 67

Dogs or other varmints dig holes. 68

Domestic water pipes copper 70

Drainage Pictures. 72

Drain filters to protect outdoor drainage systems. 73

Drains across the concrete. 74

Drilled piers. 75

Drip lines. 76

Driveway cracks. 77

Droughts. 77

Duel drilled piers. 79

Elevation Survey. 80

Erosion. 80. Erosion is a natural process that involves the gradual wearing away of land, rocks, or soil by various factors such as water, wind, or ice. It occurs when the forces of these elements exceed the ability of the land or surface materials to withstand them. Erosion can result in the loss of fertile soil, alteration of landscapes, and even the formation of striking geological features like canyons or cliffs. It is a dynamic process that constantly shapes and reshapes the Earth's surface, emphasizing the powerful forces of nature at work. Erosion can be a major cause of foundation movement by removing support from under areas of a foundation to the point of allowing a structure to side down the hill.

Estimates. 81

Expansion Joint Materials. 82

Expansive soils. 83

Faucet leaking. 84

Floor buckling. 85

Foreclosures and “for sale by owner 86

Foundation repair costs. 87

Foundation repair failures. 89

Foundation watering. 91

Friction Reduction Rings. 92

Frost/Freeze heave. 92

Galvanized dipped piers. 93

Grading. 93

Gutter Downspout with splash block. 94

Helical Piers. 95

Homeowner inspections. 96

Homeowner Insurance. 96

Interior heaving. 97

Interior settling. 98

Investor/Rehabbers/Flippers. 99

Jacks Hydraulic. 100

Jigsaw puzzle and foundation movement 101

Landscaping for foundation protection. 101

Leak repair: before or after piercing. 102

License for foundation repair contractors. 103

Masons with recipes for grout matching. 103

Materials and Techniques. 104

Mold. 105

Moss. 108

Multi-Unit Structures. 110

Mud jacking- Pressure grouting-slab Jacking-foam pressure. 114

Multi-family structures consisting of a common foundation. 115

Municipalities: responsibilities regarding leaks that affect neighborhood foundations damage. 116

Nail Pops. 118

On-Site Evaluation. 118

Over lift 119

Over piercing. 121

P and B access for service work. 124

P and B drains. 124

P and B under floor support 125

P and B plastic encapsulation. 128

P and B vents. 129

P and B Wood to ground. 130

Patio, Enclosing. 133

Pier hole compaction. 135

Pier spacing. 135

Plasticity index. 140

Plumbing Problems That Can Affect Your Foundation: 142

Plumbing repairs. 145

Prevent, stop, and reverse foundation damage. 146

Plumbing leaks. 148

Plumbing clean-outs. 149

Plumbing hydrostatic testing for sewer leaks. 150

Post tension cables. 153

Prevent, stop, and reverse foundation damage. 156

Previous repairs. 158

Retaining walls weep holes. 159

Sagging Floors. 162

Shims-steel 163

Sinkholes. 164

Soil Compaction. 166

Snow. 167

Spread footings. 169

Steel push piers. 170

Steel pier materials- oilfield. 171

Structure support- load bearing and firewalls. 173

Subsurface foundation watering. 175

Sump pump. 176

Subsidence. 179

Swales. 179

Tree roots. 180

Tunnel for plumbing repairs. 181

Uneven floors Heave or settlement 185

Warranties for foundation repair 187

Water hose drainage test 189

Water leaks/meter 190

Watering foundation. 191

Waterproofing. 191

Watershed Positive. 191

Weep holes. 191

Client Testimonials 192

Foundation Repair…the book    

About the Author 204

Hello, I'm Richard Rash, and this book is designed to assist you in navigating foundation issues. If the book doesn't address your questions, feel free to reach out, and we can discuss them further.

Through reading my book, you'll gain valuable insights into avoiding foundation problems, halting foundation movement, and reversing foundation damage.

With over 40 years of experience in the foundation industry, I've been serving as an independent foundation and drainage consultant to property owners since 2005. I likely possess comprehensive knowledge about foundation damage and its management compared to the most knowledgeable in the field.

My role is to safeguard you from exploitation by builders, foundation, and drainage contractors, as well as other parties involved in structural foundations, such as plumbers, insurance companies, remodeling contractors, realtors, or engineers.

I'm dedicated to assisting you in avoiding exploitation by foundation repair companies. Over the past four decades, I've dealt with thousands of foundation-damaged properties situated on expansive soils, working across various settings from residential homes to commercial buildings. My experience encompasses roles as a foundation inspector, contractor, consultant, and expert witness.

Since 1980, I've been consulting with individuals facing foundation distress, serving as their advocate and providing expert insights into foundations and soils. I understand the root causes of foundation failures, effective preventive measures, and the appropriate products for foundation repairs. My aim is to save clients from unnecessary expenses on failed repairs and unneeded interventions while ensuring cost-effective solutions.

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