I am here to help your customers handle foundation questions without having to deal with commissioned pier salesmen who may or may not have the customers best interest at heart.
Please review this short four minute video produced by a well respected Texas structural engineer. I had never met or talked to the man when I received this unsolicited copy asking my permission to use it on his website. Of course I said yes. See what you think. The information can be very helpful to your business.
Let me tell you a little about myself.
I am going to quickly sum up why I feel you should keep me in mind for those times that you aren’t quite sure that you have the foundation answers you need for the current location.
- I have spent the last forty years helping folks solve foundation issues in Texas and surrounding areas. Twenty-four years as a foundation repair contractor and the rest as a foundation repair and drainage consultant.
- When I entered the foundation industry I was drinking the same Kool Aid as everyone else. "IF IT MOVED...PIER IT" was the battle cry. Sounded good but IT WAS WRONG.1
- As a foundation repair contractor, I came to find that most foundation repair contractors in North Texas were not solving foundation problems in a satisfactory manner using piers, including my self. What I found: piers were OFTEN NOT THE ANSWER.
- I was doing the same as everyone else... if it moved, we piered it!
- I found that many customers were being sold piers they did not need and did not solve the problems.
- I found that many consumers were being over charged for the work that was performed
- I found that most foundation company “inspectors” were in fact commissioned sales people who had to sell piers to get paid.
- I found that MUCH of the foundation movement and damage is the result of bad drainage and upheaval as opposed to settlement.
- I found that the foundation companies are unregulated, no state licensing or over site, at least in Texas.
- I found that city permits for the most part are designed as a tax for the city and not a protection for the consumer.
- I found that most if not all foundation companies take scientifically flawed foundation elevations to "convince" the consumer that the foundation had settled, when if fact upheaval was the cause of the problem.
- I found that a good percentage of the registered engineers specializing in remedial residential foundation repair were in bed with a small number of foundation repair companies and traded business with the pier companies.
- I found that those engineers were also using the flawed elevations to assist there “special contractors” in selling piers.
- I found that in return the “special contractors” were writing contracts and sending their proposals along with fees to the engineer for rubber stamped approve of the contractors proposal.
- I found that most foundation repair contracts are written to demand that any warranted dispute must be taken to arbitration which favors the contractor.
- I found out that most of the foundation repair companies learned how to write foundation repair contracts and warranties to heavily favor the companies over the consumers.
I have found that most foundation repair fails, because of upheaval (which most failures are) and the foundation repair warranties covers only settlement which is seldom the problem.
That means many foundation repair customers get screwed and can do nothing about it!
This is who I am
People pay me to help them successfully deal with foundation issues!
My fee is fair and reasonable.
If I help them get the job done right, they have made money! If I don't help they don't pay.
It's a smart move and cheap insurance. I will be your advocate, your, "check and balance"!
I just wanted to let you know that after installing the gutters and placing the dirt around the house and leaving the sprinkler off for a while the house has begun to shift back. The front storm door is almost shutting without having to pull on it and one of the locks that would not lock is almost engaging all the way. My money was well spent with you and I am very pleased with the results. Now just some more time before we go in and paint and fix the spots that moved.
Thanks for your help sir, ”

Please look over my fee schedule and what my customers have to say.