Foundation Repair Companies sell piers!
I am a foundation Repair Consultant not a foundation repair contractor. My job is to save you time, money and assure that you get the information you need to successfully deal with your foundation problems.
Please read on:
Unless your structure has experienced the effects of a major earthquake, mudslide, sinkhole or other catastrophic trauma, it is unlikely that STRUCTURAL foundation DAMAGE has occurred, or that piers are needed.
It is likely however that steps should be taken to stop existing movement, prevent additional movement and reverse any movement and damage that may exist.
If you need piers I will help. In the likely event you do not need piers but need other assistance I will help!
Either way, if I don't help, you don't pay.
Hi, I'm Richard Rash and I am a Foundation Repair and Foundation Drainage Consultant. I have been involved with foundation repair in North Texas for 40 years.
Since I got into the business things began to change. Foundation Repair became a billion-dollar business and the gypsies, tramps, and thieves jumped in.
My job is to guide you through any and all foundation issues, including preventing foundation damage, stopping foundation damage and reversing foundation damage.
My job deals with protecting you from getting unneeded foundation repair, the wrong foundation repair, too much or too little foundation repair or being charged too much for the foundation repair you do need.
My job is to help you with selecting the right repair or, if you have had repairs that failed, helping you deal with the failed repairs.
I can help you understand the problem and the process. I am not affiliated with any foundation repair companies and I am your advocate the entire way. You would be surprised how many people get piers they don't need and spend thousands of dollars on "foundation repairs" that just do not work.
My fee is reasonable and fair and if I can't help you I don't expect you to pay me but, when I do help you will be glad to pay me.
My phone number is 817-308-8186. Please call/text or email me at thefoundationman@gmail.com. If you have a need please contact me and let's discuss how I might help you.
Good morning Richard, Thank you so much; this document makes perfect sense to me. I appreciate you being able to visit with us so quickly after my initial phone call to you. Your know-how and expertise were very helpful and I feel much better going forward having the knowledge you provided to us. We plan to hire a plumber to come do the pressure test within the next couple of weeks and then we’ll go from there. Thanks for being our advocate; it’s great knowing we have you as a resource. I’ll certainly call you with any questions that come up, and I’ll keep you posted as we move forward. Have a great day, Jennifer, Plano, TX
How I Work:
- For a pre-set fee I will inspect your foundation and drainage. I will explain your foundation problems. I will draw pictures and show you how your home is built. I will explain why your foundation moved and your options to stop the movement, prevent more movement and show you how to reverse current movement.
- I answer all of your questions. I Provide a written follow up. I tell you what you need. I tell you the most you should pay. I will review any bids you get. And most importantly I make sure you get what you need at a fair price.
- Because of my pre-set fee I have no financial incentive to guide you to anything but what is best for your home. My fee is fair and reasonable. If I help you get the job done right you have made money! Read on to find out who I am and why I can help..
In case you missed it, that is me he is talking about.
If catastrophic trauma has not affected your structure, but signs of foundation movement/damage have appeared, It is likely that it is cosmetic and that drainage is not being maintained properly. It is also possible that plumbing leaks are at fault or even possibly subsurface springs.
Something is wrong, and the cause of the problem must be determined before a successful solution can be implemented.
If moisture has caused the soil to swell, and in turn damage has appeared, piers are not the answer. Not only will piers not be the answer, if the moisture continues to swell the soil, and the warranty only covers vertical settlement of the piers, which most do, your foundation will not be covered.
Even when piers are required to straighten walls, drainage correction should also be evaluated to ensure a long term solution.
To determine if you do have major foundation damage, and if piers are the answer, you need the advice of an independent who will be able to asses the damage and prescribe the proper type of piers for your situation. You also need to know the proper number of piers required, and the proper placement of the piers for maximum benefit.
In this situation it is advisable to seek the advice of someone whose financial well being is not the result of what they are selling. In other words, unless you know you need piers, what kind of piers, how many piers, and the most you should pay, don't expect a pier salesman to help!
With hundreds of foundation companies in major areas of Texas, and other states, quality and prices of similar products and services are all over the place. Get some guidance from an independent, it can save your home.
Another thing you may be sure of is, that unless you have the original elevations, of the structure, from a bench mark such as sea-level, current elevations of the house cannot determine if the structure needs
1.) piers
2.) drainage correction
3.) plumbing repair
4.) all of the above or
5.) none of the above.
Don't fall for elevation scams.
Talk to an independent consultant who has you best interest at heart and doesn't uses phony elevations to spec piers.
Call/Text: Richard Rash 817-308-8186
Due to widespread MISINFORMATION, foundation damage and repair are among the most misunderstood elements of home ownership and area homeowners are subjected to many unneeded repairs and unsuccessful attempted repairs.

Richard Rash @ work 1981, in pier hole.

Richard Rash with Grand-kids 2016

Richard Rash @ work 2018
Nearly forty years dealing with foundation issues in North Texas and surrounding areas.
"Richard, It was a pleasure meeting you today. You were a big help to my wife and I. Your consultation explained so many things to us and saved us unnecessary expense and hassle. Our spirits are lifted by knowing what is happening and having the plan to move forward with. Your service most appreciated."
Peter, Mckinney, TX
If you would like to get the truth about your property contact me: Richard Rash
Call/text 817-308-8186 Email: thefoundationman@gmail.com
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