Why me? To start out with I've spent 40 years dealing with foundations and the soils that

Why use me? Because I understand foundations, I understand construction, I understand soils, and I know how to prevent, stop and reverse foundation issues. I also know how to explain why foundations fail and to explain how best to repair them so that you can understand your options. I have been helping people with foundation damage get the correct repairs for over forty years.
Aside from dealing with the foundation movement, one must often deal with irritations caused by builders, insurance companies, warranties, plumbing leaks, neighbors' leaks, municipality leaks, repair contractors, city restrictions or HOA requirements, plus previous owners. Why use me? I can help you avoid or deal with these type problems that arise with foundation movement, damage and repair.

Why foundations fail.

Slab Leak
Why would you need a Foundation Repair Consultant?
Foundation repair companies sell piers. Most foundation repair companies hire commission salespeople whose job it is to sell piers. It is to their advantage to sell as many as they can, at as high a price as they can, no matter what you need. Why use me? I get a flat fee to advise you. My pay is not based on what I can charge you to get it right.
Many foundation repair jobs fail to completely satisfy. Most of the foundation jobs that fail are not covered by the contractors "lifetime warranty". The contractor's standard "lifetime" guarantee only covers the piers and only against vertical settlement. This means the rest of the house is still at risk and even the piered area is not covered if the piers heave or the foundation is lifted off of the piers. Most foundation failure, AND most foundation repair failures are caused by upheaval and are not covered by the industry standard "lifetime" warranty". In fact, most foundation movement and damage does not react well to piers of any kind and the ones that do usually need a particular pier that many contractors may not have. Why use me? I can help you understand the warrantees and the coverage you have. I'll also help you understand bids and contracts. Remember they are all written by the contractor so why wouldn't they protect themselves?
Most foundation repair companies hire SALESPEOPLE who are not experts on foundations movement, damage, and repair. The don't teach them about why foundation move and how to tell from the cracks and crack pattern, what went wrong and what needs to be done to PERMANENTLY STOP MOVEMENT AND DAMAGE. They teach them to use a computerized level that can only tell them that the building is not level, NOT if it was poured/build un-level, has lost support and fallen, OR more likely been LIFTED to un-level due to expanding soils. they also don't teach them about competitive repairs that may be better and or cheaper. WHY use me? I can educate you in those areas.
(Fact: Concrete foundations are usually not poured when soil is moist. Concrete is poured when soil is dry, sometimes contracted. When this happens and then the rains come, the soils tend to expand, lifting areas of the foundation, and causing the foundation to flex. As a rule, when the foundations flex, the taunt building materials don't flex, they crack and distort and show signs of foundation damage.) Why use me? I can show you how the elevations they take do not show what the problem is nor does it show what it takes to fix it. I can explain why it is failing and what to do about it.

Drawing showing flex and distortion.
![Sign of home foundation settlement requiring foundation repair[1] Ceiling cracks](https://repairfoundations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Sign-of-home-foundation-settlement-requiring-foundation-repair1.jpg)
Crack, sign of foundation upheaval.
![bricksdamage[1] Brick column caused by foundation movement](https://repairfoundations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/bricksdamage1.jpg)
Upheaval on exterior brick.

Center settlement after exterior piers.
If you would like to get the truth about your property contact me: Richard Rash
Call/text 817-308-8186 Email:richardrashinc@tx.rr.com
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Another issue that should point out pertains to association between foundation repair contractors and engineers. It is not uncommon for sales people to offer to provide engineering reports based on their "inspections". They will charge you for the reports and then send along the money and their bid to their buddy engineer to rubber stamp. It has come to my attention that these same engineers, when contacted by a homeowner first use the same faulty "elevations" to assess a structure and then promote the same pier sellers that send them the previously discussed bids and fees. Seems to be a you scratch mine and I'll scratch yours and everybody but the customer comes out ahead. Why use me? Because I don't do that shit. The only time I get directly involved with a repair contractor is if a customer convinces me that they do not feel that they can, or will be, comfortable finding a contractor, even with my written directions. In some of those very rare cases I agree to become the contractor to make sure the job is right.
Due to widespread MISINFORMATION, foundation damage and repair are among the most misunderstood elements of home ownership. Area homeowners are subjected to many unneeded repairs and unsuccessful attempted repairs.
By the way, the elevations can not be valid, no matter who takes them, unless original elevations, based on a sea-level type benchmark are available for comparison. And they never are. The best way to find a repair that will last, and is at a fair price, is to consult with someone whose compensation is not based on the type or amount of work done!
Why use me? Some things I can help with: Determining if you really have a foundation problem, or is it a drainage issue or maybe a plumbing leak. All of these things cause very similar distress. The main difference is drainage and pluming leaks do not benefit from piers.

Foundation damage from bad drainage.

Foundation damage due to plumbing leak.
If it is foundation damage that does need piers you will still need help sorting through the dozen or so type of piers for the one that is best for your problem. You will need help as to how many piers you really need and how much to spend. Why use me? Its only human, since I'm not compensated based on what I sell to my customers, they don't seem to need as many piers as they used to when I got paid for the number of piers I sold. Funny how that works. I can also explain how much work you really need, where you need it, and, here is the big one... why you need it as well as the most you should pay. Also why the work I recommend should not only stop the problem but in many cases reverse it. It's amazing how being informed makes things better, easier and cheaper. As a bonus I encourage you to send me any bids you get after we talk for us to evaluate.

Failed foundation repair.

Steel pier

Concrete pushed piers installations

Four types of piers
This might be a good time to mention that many states, including Texas have no licensing or oversite for foundation repair contractors and most cities that require permits do it for additional revenue and do not employee inspectors that understand why foundations fail or what to do about it. Why use me? I can be your oversite, your independent observer, your check and balance.
Here are a few areas you may have questions that you will need help with when faced with possible foundation problems. Slabs vs crawlspace/pier and beam, and basement. Causes of foundation movement, preventing foundation damage, stopping foundation damage, and reversing foundation damage. Piers, drainage methods, when and where. Home owners insurance, home and warranty insurance. Masonry work, plumbing, retaining walls, erosion, subsidence, repair bids, repair and warrantees. Crawl space vents and ventilation against mold, wood rot and infestation. Arbitration, foundation watering, tree roots, tree root barriers and other. Pool/spa leaks, neighbors water on your property, city water and sewer leaks, and properties of the soil. Failed foundation repair, foundation repair cost, French drains vs area drains, guttering and downspout placement brick siding and wood siding. Slab reinforcement, post tension cables and cosmetic damage and repairs vs structural damage and repairs. Why use me? because I can explain how to deal with all that stuff.
When to contact me? Now, if you have problems or just want to stay ahead of the game, or when you notice cracks, doors that don't close tight, or open without help, floors that slope, hard floor covering with cracks and/or windows with gaps. Or perhaps you just want to get ahead of it and avoid these problems, or you have gotten a few bids and they just didn't feel right. Or you've had foundation "repairs" that sounded good but just didn't work. If any of this applies to you, contact me...phone, text or email. We will discuss your situation and if I feel like I can help you AND you feel like I can help you, we set an appointment. I come out and ask you additional questions and inspect the structure. As we go I will explain, using pictures what is wrong, why it happened, valid options for repair, how much is reasonable to pay for repairs. I will also send you an overview report, including pictures, encompassing our discussion and including my recommendations. I will also be available to review any bids you may get and answer any question you may have after receiving my report or contractor bids.
Why use me? Don't take a chance on getting a failed foundation repair. It only makes sense to get an expert on your side. With 40 years of experience in the foundation repair industry you would be hard pressed to find anyone who understands the problems and repairs as well as I do. When dealing with what is likely one of the your biggest investments, your home, you can't afford to go wrong. Between the cost of possibly un-needed repairs and the lost value of a home with perceived foundation damage it can be a big hit.
Don't lay in bed at night worrying about your foundation. Day after day I council people in their homes, and even over the phones, where the pier salespeople have scared them, or they have talked themselves into thinking that, if the sky is not falling, their house is! And it's usually just not true. It is never as bad as they think it is. I get calls, usually ladies, that are actually crying or say they have been crying at night because they didn't know what to do. I can usually help relieve the stress, many times just by explaining that their home is not going to fall down and if they can't get it fixed now, here is how to plug the hole so to speak to prevent additional distress.
Contacted in time most of what we call foundation damage is just cosmetic damage which is the result of slight moving of the house, and can usually be stopped and/or controlled by some rather minor drainage control. So call me, I'LL talk to you over the phone and we can determine if it's worthwhile for me to come take a look. Just a little more, please read to see what happens if I can't help you.
If you would like to get the truth about your property contact me: Richard Rash
Call/text 817-308-8186 Email:richardrashinc@tx.rr.com
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Why use me?
People pay me to help them successfully deal with foundation issues!
My fee is fair and reasonable.
If I help you get the job done right you have made money!
It's a smart move and cheap insurance. I will be your advocate, your, "check and balance"!
I may have failed to mention
If you would like to get the truth about your property contact me: Richard Rash
Call/text 817-308-8186 Email:richardrashinc@tx.rr.com
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