Welcome to Richard Rash, Foundation Repair and Damage informational website.

I am a foundation Repair Consultant, if you notice foundation damage, reach out to me via text or phone at 817-308-8186 from any location in the US. Alternatively, consider acquiring my latest publication, "Foundation Repair: Homeowner's Handbook," available on Amazon in both eBook and Paperback formats. Discover whether you truly have a foundation problem and learn how to address it properly and at a reasonable cost. The initial phone consultation is free, and the publications are reasonably priced. Richard Rash
People pay me to help them successfully deal with foundation issues! My fee is fair and reasonable. If I help you get the job done right, you have made money! It's a smart move and cheap insurance. I will be your advocate, your, "check and balance". For more information either read on or Call/Text Richard at 817-308-8186
Ever wonder why you hear so much about
foundation repair failures?
The main reason behind this is that most people simply don't have enough knowledge about what actually causes foundation movement and damage. They tend to believe that any foundation issue can be fixed by using piers without really understanding the complexities involved. What's more, they assume that all piers are equal in terms of their capabilities and costs. And to top it off, many folks think that if a foundation repair company is heavily advertised, they'll automatically treat you fairly and honestly. But that's not always the case, unfortunately.
The assumptions are mistaken.
Rain Causes The Majority Of Foundation Damage In Areas Of Expansive Soils.
As I have been preaching for some years now, the rains do much more foundation damage than the droughts. This is because most of the lightweight structures, such as houses and small commercial buildings, have their foundations poured during the hot dry periods when the grounds are dry, and the soils are contracted.
It is a fact that foundations poured when the ground is moist, and the soils expanded may settle and need piers. It is also a fact that due to our weather patterns in North Texas the great majority of our construction is done in dry weather rather than wet or moist weather.
This being said, one must assume that in the majority of cases where foundations movement is observed, upheaval is the problem and removal, and reassignment of moisture is the short-term and long-term answer.
"Most, of the lightweight structures, such as houses and small commercial buildings, have their foundations poured during the hot dry periods when the grounds are dry, and the soils are contracted". When the rains come the soils swell and the building rises unevenly."
The good news is that there are ways of limiting the amount of shrink/swell in soils that effects your home. I can help you prevent, stop and reverse the damage usually without the expense and trauma of piers. If piers are required I can guide you to getting only what you need, the right type, the right number and a fair price.

Want to know how to deal with foundation repair successfully?
THEN READ all of this PAGE !
There are many scams, frauds, mistakes and omissions in the foundation repair industry.
Some are localized and some are industry wide.
Here are just a few.
- Builders not providing proper drainage which is the key to preventing foundation movement/damage.
- Home sellers hiding foundation problems without providing disclosure.
- Foundation repair companies using substandard piering materials.
- States, including Texas, have no licensing and oversite of foundation repair.
- Foundation repair companies grossly overcharging.
- Insurance companies regularly avoiding coverage for foundation damage caused by slab leaks.
- Home inspectors and realtors, lacking expertise, often refer their clients to foundation repair companies for "free" evaluations by commissioned salespeople, which frequently results in lost home sales.
- Cities charging fees for permits without having knowledgeable inspectors to protect residents.
- Foundation companies hire untrained, high pressure, commissioned salespeople.
- Foundation companies often advertise "lifetime warranties" that do not cover the entirety of the job.
- Professional engineers who are in bed with foundation repair companies.
- Foundation repair companies using misleading elevation reports to sell unnecessary piers.
- Unhappy customers being required to go through arbitration in lieu of suing...and usually losing.
The first thing to understand about foundation movement/damage is that the building does not move on it own. The concrete doesn't move, the sheetrock does not move, the doors don't swing, none of those things happen without some outside force and that is usually the soil reacting to heat, moisture, erosion, subsidence, sinkholes, earthquakes or explosions.
With foundation repair, once the cause is determined, the right solution must be selected and applied correctly.
Most foundation repair companies have a primary repair method, usually a pier, that they manufacture or buy, that is most profitable for them. Often these piers are not the best solution for your problem.
Most foundation repair companies use untrained salespeople who are paid on commission for what they sell, so they sell what they are told to sell. They are taught to use faulty elevations to scam the uninitiated into buying piers that are not the answer. If piers are acceptable as the answer, they often sell more piers than required.
More sales = more commissions, meaning more cost to you!

To have successful foundation repair you must identify the problem and use the correct solution.
Unless your structure has experienced the effects of a major earthquake, mudslide, sinkhole or other catastrophic trauma, it is UNLIKEY that STRUCTURAL foundation DAMAGE has occurred or that a bunch of piers are needed.
If you do have movement/damage however, steps should be taken to stop existing movement, prevent additional movement and reverse any movement and damage that may exist. When movement/damage starts, the odds are that the movement will continue to increase the damage to your structure until a solution is found. Catch damage early, and if diagnosed correctly, the cost is usually minimal. Repairs often include specific drainage Correction, a Particular type of pier, or occasionally leak repairs. Sometimes a combination of the above.
In identifying problems and solutions it is always advisable to confer with a highly experienced specialist whose livelihood is not tied to the type or cost of the recommended solution.

Please click below for short video made by a respected Texas engineer.This will explain my work.
Over 5,000 satisfied customers
www.repairfoundations.com Call/Text 817-308-8186

Richard. Thank you for your kindness in answering my foundation and soil concerns over the phone. It is such a welcome change to find such kind people in this world. I will keep your information and pass your web page to all my family and friends. Bless you, kind man, bless you! Regards
Deb, Plano, TX
Hello Richard, You came out and looked at my foundation problem a few weeks ago. You were right I do have a drain pipe leak. The plumber used a camera and located the busted pipe. It looks like it might be by a load bearing wall and could weaken the floor. They won’t know until after the pipes are exposed. The work begins this Monday to do the repair. More checks for leaks will be done after they open up the slab. Thanks for the advice,
Joe, Fort Worth TX
Richard, I just wanted to let you know that after installing the gutters and placing the dirt around the house and leaving the sprinkler off for a while the house has begun to shift back. The front storm door is almost shutting without having to pull on it and one of the locks that would not lock is almost engaging all the way. My money was well spent with you and I am very pleased with the results. Now just some more time before we go in and paint and fix the spots that moved. Thanks for your help sir, Mark, Arlington, TX
Learn THE STEPS it takes to avoid, stop and reverse foundation movement/damage.

As mentioned, if you do have foundation damage, do not rely on current foundation elevations to determine the problem. Without original (as built) elevations, and a benchmark to sea-level, they can not tell what kind of damage,(settlement or upheaval) and whether piers will help.
Most often the results will lead to short lived foundation improvements that will soon fail and not be covered by the industries standard "Lifetime Warranty", which only covers the piers against vertical settlement but not when the piers hold but the job fails. Not an uncommon occurrence!

The device below is not the answer to foundation repair.

If the piers, which are covered, have not failed, but the job, which is not covered, has failed. They sold you the wrong solution and your warrantee is not valid.

Most foundation repair companies include a clause requiring arbitration in lieu of filing suit, in cases of repair failure. The majority of customers have not dealt with arbitration while the contractors have. Who do you think tends to win most often.

Most all foundation repair companies "contracts" and "lifetime warranties" are designed to protect the contractor and not the customers.
If you have questions about anything I've talked about on this page give me a call or text. I can help you deal with these situations and many more. Let me be your adviser, your check and balance, your expert consultant.

Moisture in clay/expansive soils travel by capillary action (dry takes from the wet) this is how bad drainage enables moisture to be pulled under slab construction.
Moisture entering the soil, under the foundation, will increase the volume of the soil until there is no more room to expand and up goes an area of the foundation causing the building materials to react and movement/damage to develop. This is true with crawl space as well as slab construction.
Soil, drying out under a foundation that was poured when somewhat wet, will occasionally create a void large enough to allow settlement movement/damage. If the void is large enough, the concrete foundation can flex enough to cause the building materials to show distress.
Either way it goes, up or down, distortion is likely and the right solution is to determine the cause and apply the right repairs.

People pay me to help them successfully deal with foundation issues!
My fee is fair and reasonable.
If I help you get the job done right you have made money!
It's a smart move and cheap insurance. I will be your advocate, your, "check and balance"!
If you would like to get the truth about your property contact me: Richard Rash
Call/text 817-308-8186 Email: thefoundationman@gmail.com Please share, like or comment.
How I Work:
- For a pre-set fee I will inspect your foundation and drainage. I will explain your foundation problems. I will draw pictures and show you how your home is built. I will explain why your foundation moved and your options to stop the movement, prevent more movement and show you how to reverse current movement.
- I answer all of your questions. I Provide a written follow up. I tell you what you need. I tell you the most you should pay. I will review any bids you get. And most importantly I make sure you know how to get what you need at a fair price.
- Because of my pre-set fee I have no financial incentive to guide you to anything but what is best for your home. My fee is fair and reasonable. If I help you get the job done right you have made money! Read on to find out who I am and why I can help..
With hundreds of foundation companies in major areas of Texas, and other states, quality and prices of similar products and services are all over the place.
Get some guidance from an independent, it can save you stress, save you money, and save your home. Another thing you may be sure of is, that unless you have the original elevations, of the structure, from a bench mark such as sea-level, current elevations of the house cannot determine if the structure needs1.) piers 2.) drainage correction3.) plumbing repair4.) all of the above or 5.) none of the above. Don't fall for elevation scams.
Talk to an independent consultant who has you best interest at heart and doesn't uses phony elevations to spec piers. IF THE DIAGNOSIS IS WRONG THE FOUNDATION REPAIRS WILL FAIL! unnecessary DOLLARS WILL BE SPENT. Here is my warranty: "IF I CAN'T HELP YOU, YOU DON'T PAY ME!" Please...Share, forward, comment and spread the word!
Contact me now. The longer you wait the greater the chance of increased damage.
If you would like to get the truth about your property contact me:
Richard Rash
Call/text 817-308-8186
email: thefoundationman@gmail.com
Please Share, Like Or Comment.
Why use me?
People pay me to help them successfully deal with foundation issues!
My fee is fair and reasonable.
If I help you get the job done right, you have made money!
It's a smart move and cheap insurance. I will be your advocate, your, "check and balance"!
If I can't help you...you don't pay me!