Drainage issue

Snow fall

Broken pipe
Excessive water, whether it be from rains, melting snow or broken pipes can cause your foundation to fail.
The uneven swelling of moist soils, under and around the foundation, will cause the foundation to move. When the foundation twist and flexes as it was designed to do under these circumstances, the ridged building materials begin to flex like they are not suppose to do. This causes what is usually described as foundation damage. It's like a jigsaw puzzle being twisted and the connecting parts start to pull apart.
In the great majority of these cases the damage is cosmetic not structural and will not be fixed by using piers. The problem is not settlement or a loss of support under areas of the foundation, but a lifting of of areas of the foundation.
By using piers and lifting the lower side of the building up to that which is artificially high, it will look good until the heaved or raised areas reverts back to normal, or as built, and the piered side remains high. Now you have a problem that is reversed and you have no warrantee to fall back on because the warrantee is on the piers and not the job. There is an answer, it is proper drainage or leak repair and I can help you find it.
One very important point to make here. Do not be fooled by foundation elevations. Thousands of unneeded piers are sold every year based of phony elevations. Unless you have the original elevations of the structure, and you don't, and access to to a benchmark which was used at construction, you can not tell if part of the building is high or the other part to low, of if it was poured uneven. If that's hard to understand contact me and I will explain it in more detail over the phone. I don't care who takes the elevation, they don't know where the original zero was so they can't tell what has moved and which way. If They are trying to sell you piers they will pick and area that seems high and call that zero so everything else looks lower. However, had they made the low area zero, then the whole thing would be reversed.
My job is to help you get it right. My livelihood does not depend on what I advise you to do. I get a pre agreed upon fee to be your advocate and explain your problem and show you the possible solutions. My fee is extremely fair and when I show you what is going on you will be happy to pay it. Oh, and if I don't help you I don't expect you to pay me.
Now please read on and check out the rest of my website and I hope to hear from you!
Richard Rash 817-308-8186 richardrashinc@tx.rr.com

Bad drainage is the cause of most foundation movement!
(improper drainage is the main cause of foundation movement and damage in North Texas)
For a reasonable pre-set fee I will inspect your foundation and drainage.
I will explain your foundation problems.
I will draw pictures and show you why your foundation has moved, or might move and your options to stop the movement, prevent more movement and usually show you how to reverse the movement.
Because of my pre-set fee I have no financial incentive to guide you to anything but what is best for your home. Read on to find out how bad drainage can cause extensive foundation damage and how proper drainage can prevent, stop and reverse foundation damage.