Don't become this guy!
There is no charge for discussing my services and fees. Please contact me at: 817-308-8186
No Matter where you are in the
United States I should be able to help you get your foundation problems solved.
If not... I don't expect to be paid! What do you have to lose
If your property is within 50 miles of Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, my on property/in person fee is $400.00.
For longer trips, where in person can be justified, an additional time and distance fee will be added.
Where long distance prohibits in person visits I now offer phone/zoom type of consultation. Most foundation scams are universal, most foundation problems are similar and most foundation repair failure have similar causes. After getting you to answer a few questions I will know if I can guide you toward a successful solution. My fee, if I can help remotely is $200.00 and, if I can't help you I won't charge you.
Why use a consultant when dealing with Foundation Damage and Repair?
- If your structure has experienced an earthquake, is sitting on a sinkhole or is being affected by extreme erosion you may be helped using the correct piers. If your foundation movement is because of other reasons it is doubtful that piers will be a long lasting solution and in expansive soils may cause additional problems.
- Many states including Texas do not require licensing or other forms of oversite for foundation repair contractors.
- Most foundation repair contractor salespeople sell piers on commission, often more piers than are needed, and more than occasionally when piers are not the solution at all.
- In most instances the elevations are a scam. Most foundation repair companies take phony elevations to "determine repairs that are needed". In fact, taking elevations, without having the original elevations from construction from which to compare, which you don't have, is a scam. Even if you have original elevations, a stationary benchmark would be needed to use for the comparison. It is a trick used either because of ignorance or just to scam you.
- Most all foundation companies use a standard "lifetime warrantee"' which only covers the piers and only covers vertical settlement of the piers and not the job its self. What that means is, that the contractors are protecting themselves much more that the consumer!
- Other areas we may discuss: SLABS, PIER/BEAM and BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION. The types of repairs, the many types of piers, types of drainage correction, which is the key to most successful foundation repair. Mud-jacking, chemical injection, foam injection and how plumbing leaks affect foundations. Why repairs fail, signs of foundation damage. Signs of failed foundation repair. Signs of previous foundation movement/damage and repairs. Builders responsibilities, Homeowners insurance responsibility, Homeowners warrantee responsibility. Sellers real estate discloser requirements, Why buyers should consult with authority that is not trying to sell them repairs. Foundation repair steps. Foundation repair costs and much more.
My Job Is To Protect and Educate You About These and Many Other Areas Related to Foundation Repair!
Please spent a short five minutes reviewing thus video put together by a highly respected Texas P. E.
What they say
Oh my goodness, in reviewing my email inbox I see now that I failed to acknowledge receipt of your email, and even more important, to thank you properly for the time and wisdom that you shared with us. I do apologize, Of all of the folks we've met with over the past several weeks, our meeting with you provided us with the most information, insights and reassurance. We're thankful that we met you.
Fort Worth, TX
It was a pleasure meeting you today. You were a big help to my wife and I. Your consultation explained so many things to us and saved us unnecessary expense and hassle. Our spirits are lifted by knowing what is happening and having the plan to move forward with. Your service most appreciated.
McKinney, TX
For additional testimonials Click here
For more info see menu at bottom of page.

Who's help do you want?

Foundation damage and repair...explained


Drawing showing flex and distortion.

Pictures showing distortion and flex damage

Man looking at tilted home.